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The Sanctuary on the Hill
by Mission First

Our Mission

To provide a sanctuary to strengthen and renew a sense of purpose for those with military service

Our Vision

A community that fully embraces and values those with military service

The Sanctuary on the Hill
by Mission First

How will you support veterans in our community?

Military veterans often have compelling and unique needs, which is why Mission First, Inc is planning a restorative, nature-rich sanctuary with supporting programs dedicated to military veterans and their families.
We are committed to providing a multi-disciplinary approach to support and enable veterans in developing healthy and productive lifestyles as they continue to transition to civilian life.
Our hope is that the programs and experiences we sponsor represent not just our local community’s best efforts, but that this property and work will become a valued regional, if not national, asset.
We owe these men and women more than we can repay for their military service, and we fully intend to do all we can to assist them in their transition and to support them in creating and living fulfilling lives.

Our vision for a 90+ acre sanctuary in Evansville,IN

the need is urgent

Veterans in our country are an invisible group

Veterans can become an invisible group in America due to the unique challenges they face during their transition to civilian life. Their experiences often go unnoticed, and the profound impact of their service is overlooked. Sanctuaries like The Sanctuary on the Hill are essential to provide the support, understanding, and resources veterans need to thrive.


U.S. Veterans





Mental Health Encounters

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Lives Impacted

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